Ozone: Good for Your Mouth?

dental health dental hygiene oral health oral hygiene ozone Sep 18, 2023
Ozone: Good for Your Mouth?

Ozone: Good for Your Mouth?

Used in dentistry since the 1930s, ozone is a naturally occurring molecule. Created by three molecules of oxygen, its stability depends on temperature and air pressure. Ozone is a colorless gas, and it has a strong ‘electric' smell at room temperature. It is also a powerful oxidant, meaning it can eradicate many different microbes. Originally used for its disinfecting properties and to help heal wounds, ozone has a variety of modern applications due to its many qualities. Some of these qualities include:

  • Being antimicrobial
  • Stimulating the immune system
  • Pain-relieving
  • Activating cellular processes such as protein synthesis
  • Increasing cellular metabolism

Due to being unstable, a steady production of ozone is needed for clinical applications. Ozone can be created by ultraviolet energy, lightning, or by an ozone generator which simulates lightning to create the molecule. Ozone can be used in a gaseous state or in a dissolved form bound with oil or water. Dentists can use it to help with dental infections, periodontal disease, halitosis (bad breath), gum recession, and tooth sensitivity. It can also be helpful to prevent infection, remineralize teeth, and improve healing after dental procedures.

Though generally well-tolerated, ozone is not recommended if you are pregnant or have any of the following: autoimmune disease, anemia, alcohol intoxication, cardiovascular disease, are hemorrhaging, or are allergic. Though, ozone products such as ozonated water or olive oil can be purchased over the counter if you'd like to give it a try. As always, it's recommended to see your dentist regularly to help keep your mouth at its healthiest.


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