Wellness Through Cycling

cycling health wellness Jun 03, 2023
Wellness Through Cycling

Wellness Through Cycling

Movement is critical to getting your heart as healthy as it can be. Cycling can be done indoors or outdoors, depending on your preferences and the time of year. Those who live in states that get cold in the winter months likely won’t want to be out cycling through the snow! Regardless of where you cycle, this type of exercise includes one, two, or three-wheeled options. It can be as simple as getting a low-cost bicycle to get you by, or spending thousands on a state-of-the-art bike frame.

Cycling tends to be lower force, and it is gentler on the knees for those who aren’t as spry as they once were. The benefits of cycling extend to whole-body wellness by:

  • Creating improved exercise endurance
  • Building stronger muscles
  • Supporting a healthy weight
  • Lower the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease
  • Reducing the risk of colon and breast cancer
  • Supporting brain health and reducing depression

Additionally, cycling can be a way to get the family more involved in exercise. Everyone can ride by themselves, or adults can hook up a buggy to strap the kids into. If you haven’t been cycling in a long time, take it slow. And remember, it is always recommended to consult a health professional before beginning any new exercise routine.


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