Your Kidneys: Essential to Overall Health

health kidneys Nov 16, 2020
Your Kidneys: Essential to Overall Health

Your Kidneys: Essential to Overall Health

Healthy kidneys are essential, not just for the urinary system, but for the entire body. They remove waste and help maintain the body's internal environment, or homeostasis. Unfortunately, not everyone has healthy kidneys and very few people are even aware when there's a problem. In fact, 33% of adults in the U.S. (that's 1 in 3 people) are at risk for kidney disease, which often goes undetected until much of the organs are destroyed and function impaired. When the kidneys aren't functioning properly, a person is at higher risk for other health complications. Advanced kidney disease requires lifelong treatment with dialysis or an organ transplant.

As part of the urinary system, healthy kidneys filter about a half cup of blood every minute, removing waste and extra water, which constitutes the urine that then flows from the kidneys through two ureters and into the bladder to be excreted. Outside the urinary system, the kidneys influence fluid balance and pressures that allow other organ systems and tissues to function properly.

8 Things Healthy Kidneys Do

  1. Regulate the body's fluid levels to maintain homeostasis
  2. Reabsorption of nutrients to maintain homeostasis
  3. Filter wastes (urea and uric acid) and toxins from the blood
  4. Release a hormone that regulates blood pressure
  5. Regulate electrolyte-water balance (sodium, potassium, magnesium, other minerals)
  6. Maintain acceptable body pH level (7.35- 7.45)
  7. Activate vitamin D to maintain healthy bones
  8. Release the hormone that directs production of red blood cells

Types of Kidney Disease

Kidney infection results from bacteria in the bladder that moves into the kidneys. Symptoms include low back pain, painful urination, and sometimes fever. Changes in the urine may include the presence of blood, cloudiness, and a different odor. Kidney infection is more common in women than in men. Pregnant women are at an increased risk.

Kidney stones can form as a solid build-up of minerals in the kidney, causing intense pain. If the stones block the ureter, there will be other problems with function and potential infection.

Kidney (renal) failure also known as End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is when the kidneys become unable to effectively filter out waste products from the blood. This can happen over time (chronic) or suddenly (acute).

In the case of severe kidney damage, dialysis might be an option. It is only used for end-stage kidney failure where 85 to 90 percent of kidney function is lost. Kidney dialysis aims to complete the primary functions of a healthy kidney, including removal of waste, excess salt, and water; maintaining the correct balance of sodium, bicarbonate, potassium, and other substances; and maintaining blood pressure.

Risk Factors for Kidney Disease

Several known risk factors for kidney disease include older age (60+ years ), diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, pharmaceuticals, and obesity. Whether you or immediate family members have these other conditions can increase your risk for kidney disease.

Most people with early kidney disease have no symptoms, which is why early detection is critical. By the time symptoms appear, kidney disease may be advanced, and symptoms can be misleading. Pay attention to these:

  • Fatigue, weakness
  • Difficult, painful urination or foamy urine
  • Pink, dark urine (blood in urine)
  • Increased thirst
  • Increased need to urinate (especially at night)
  • Puffy eyes; swollen face, hands, abdomen, ankles, feet, and shortness of breath

Keeping Kidneys Healthy

Even if you don't have a family history or other risk factors for kidney disease, follow these tips for keeping kidneys healthy and promoting your overall health:

  • Eat the optimal amount of protein for your age and activity level. It's essential to follow a healthy diet of mostly plants, lean meat, whole grains and fresh produce - organic whenever feasible. Protein is essential to your diet, but contrary to many popular diet gurus, you don't want to over-consume protein because it stresses the kidneys. While this may need to be individualized for you, a general rule of thumb is 0.8 g of protein per 2.2 lbs (0.8 g per 1 kg).
  • Get enough exercise: Exercising for 30 minutes every day can reduce the risk of high blood pressure and obesity, both of which put pressure on kidney health.
  • Stay hydrated: Fluid intake is important, especially water. In general, the guidelines are to drink half your body weight (in pounds) in ounces of water per day to help improve and maintain kidney health. (If you weigh 120 lbs, drink 60 ounces of water.) If you eat a diet high in water, you may need to drink less. Also, some people have medical conditions or are on medications that change this guideline. Discuss this with your holistic doctor.
  • Moderate alcohol use: Consuming more than one drink per day can harm the kidneys and impair renal function.
  • Quit Smoking: Tobacco restricts blood vessels. Without an adequate blood supply, the kidneys will not be able to complete their normal work.

If you have risk factors for kidney disease or are concerned about early warning signs, it is imperative to speak with a holistic physician. They will guide you on proper testing, dietary, and lifestyle changes that could save your life.


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Product description

promotes detoxification processes of the liver*
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Milk Thistle Extract (ethanol/water extract) can be used to support and promote liver tissue, stimulate liver function and act as an antioxidant for the liver.* Silybin, a constituent of Milk Thistle, supports the livers efforts to remove chemicals, drugs, alcohol, and other exogenous toxins.* Milk Thistle helps maintain a healthy liver and increases levels of glutathione.*

Take 1 -2 capsules, 2 times daily, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.

Serving Size: 2 capsules

Amount Per Serving
Milk Thistle Seed Extract ... 500mg
(Silybum marianum) 45% - 55% Silymarin compounds by HPLC (Silychristin, Silydianin, Silybin A & B, Isosilybin A & B) (ethanol/water extract-no toxic solvents used, such as methanol, ethyl acetate, hexane, or acetone)

Other Ingredients: Calcium Carbonate, GelatinCapsule, Magnesium Citrate, and Leucine.

Warning: If pregnant, consult your physician before taking.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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